Stabbing Incident
Shortly before 2:00 a.m. today, Sunday 25th October, police received a report of a stabbing incident
near the junction of Hook and Ladder Lane and Somerset Road, Sandys.
Officers responding to the call found a 28-year-old male had been stabbed in the chest and was in
and out of consciousness.
The officers administered first aid until the arrival of Emergency Services. The injured man was
transported to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for treatment to his injuries. He however
succumbed to those injuries and was pronounced dead by an on call physician a short time later.
No further details will be provided about the deceased until all next of kin have been informed
While the 28-year-old was being attended to, a 20-year-old-male with a stab wound to his abdomen
arrived at KEMH via a private vehicle.
It is believed both men were injured during the same incident.
An investigation is now underway and police urge anyone who may have any information on these
two stabbings to please call Detective Inspector Kenten Trott on 717-2345. You may also call the
main police number, 295-0011 or, the independent and confidential Crime Stoppers number 800-8477