Is Bermuda a Safe Place to Live?
Usually, the mention of Bermuda conjures up visions of white, luxurious beaches and crystal clear water. And that’s pretty spot on. The island is a beautiful place to be, which is why in 2022 it welcomed nearly 120,000 tourists!
From the population of around 64,000, about 20% are expats. Whether you’re thinking of joining them or already living in Bermuda, you may want to know how safe it is. After all, even the most beautiful of places can have hidden dangers.
Read on to find out if Bermuda really is a safe place to live.
Does Bermuda have a high crime rate?
It is impossible to live life risk-free. Everywhere you go has a certain element of risk and it is up to you to weigh up the pros and cons and decide for yourself. But when it comes to Bermuda, you’ll be glad to know that it is not a dangerous country.
- No murders were recorded at all in 2019.
- Burglaries are quite rare.
- Very little harassment/soliciting.
- Petty theft (pickpocketing) is the most common type of crime.
Are there certain areas you shouldn’t go into?
Gang-related crime happens in Bermuda, but unless you live in a gang-filled area, you are unlikely to get caught up in it. The government’s Gang Violence Reduction Team has been working since 2017 with great success, forming good relationships with local schools and colleges to help young people steer clear of gang culture.
What are the locals like?
Bermudians are known for their friendly, laid-back and welcoming attitudes. If you aren’t sure about certain areas, asking a local if it’s safe will get you a helpful answer. Using local knowledge, from the people who know the country the most, is the best way to find out more about the islands.
What can you do to stay safe?
Keeping yourself, your loved ones and property safe In Bermuda is the same as anywhere else. Lock your doors and windows at night and when you leave the house. Keep personal belongings close when out and about and don’t carry large amounts of cash or valuable items.
Get to know your neighbours, even joining a neighbourhood watch scheme if you feel sociable enough. Having a support network is an excellent way of increasing your own security and feeling part of the community at the same time.
Helping to prevent crime in your area
Bermuda is generally a safe country, with low rates of violent crime. But if you find yourself a witness or victim of a crime, you can report what you know to Crime Stoppers Bermuda.
Using our anonymous service, you don’t have to give any personal details and your call won’t be traced. You can rest assured that any information you pass on will be confidential and only shared with the relevant authorities.
Simply call Crime Stoppers on 800-8477 or use our anonymous online form.