Prioritise Safety: Selling or Buying Items Online Involving Unknown Persons

The Bermuda Police Service (BPS) is urging residents to prioritise their safety, if intending to meet up with any unknown individual, to buy or sell items advertised online.

Three reports have been received between the 24th and 26th December 2024, where an unknown individual stole an item offered for sale on Facebook Marketplace, after meeting unsuspecting sellers at three separate prearranged locations.

The stolen items included popular brand name electronics. Inquiries are ongoing regarding all of these matters, with the possibility some instances may be linked.

Noting the popularity of Facebook Marketplace and other similar online commerce sites, the following proactive advice is strongly recommended.

Safety First

View the buyer or seller profile. Take a screenshot of it, if possible and take note of the profile’s web address (URL). Check how long the profile has been active, when it was created and how many friends the account has.

Be wary of newly created profiles that only have a few friends, or no friends at all. Also, be suspicious of promoted accounts that have testimonials from recently created profiles.

Ask for a phone number and speak to the person before meeting.

Never go alone. Bring a relative or friend along and let other family members or friends know where and when the exchange is taking place.

Meet in well-lit, public areas before the hours of darkness. Avoid inviting an unknown individual to your home.

Take note of the vehicle used by the buyer or seller, including the colour, type and its licence plate. Report any suspicious activity to the police immediately by calling 211, or 911 in an emergency.

Online reports can also be made via the BPS community portal,

Crime Stoppers Bermuda 800-8477

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We are a registered Bermuda charity (No. 410) helping law enforcement to locate criminals and help solve crimes. We have an anonymous 24-hour Hotline phone number, 800-8477 (TIPS), that people can call to pass on information about crime; alternatively people can send us information anonymously via our Anonymous Online Form. You don’t have to give your name or any of your personal details. We do not trace calls or track IP addresses.

Crime Stoppers Bermuda, P.O. Box HM 2711, Hamilton HM LX.

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Crime Stoppers Bermuda
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