Home Safety Checklist – How Secure Is Your Property?

Home Safety Checklist – How Secure Is Your Property?

Residential burglaries account for over 60% of all break-ins. It is a fear that most, if not all people have. And it seems as though it’s out of our control at times.

However, there are plenty of things you can do to protect your home from intruders. Massive security gates and a panic button are not the only things to increase safety. Common sense coupled with good advice will give you improved security.

Having a checklist for your property is a great way to ensure that you have done everything you can to protect your home. Read on to see what a home safety checklist should include.

What should you be checking?

  1. Don’t leave a house key under your mat – A pretty obvious statement, but it is still a well-used backup plan for people who lose keys easily or want a family member or friend to gain access when they are out.
  2. Valuables should not be visible from the street – If you can see your belongings from outside, so can a potential burglar. Don’t give them a chance to window shop on your home.
  3. Make sure your security system is clearly visible from the street – Using any signs and window decals provided by your security company, will show a clear message that your home is protected.
  4. Light up outside areas – Whether you are using an automated lighting system or simple, manual outside lights, lighting provides security at night. Some systems give you the ability to control your lighting from an app, giving extra security when you are not at home.
  5. Secure windows and doors – Especially in neighbourhoods that have low crime rates, doors are often not locked and windows are left open at night in hot weather. Be vigilant when locking your doors at night and upgrade with secondary locks if needed.
  6. Security fencing and gates – It is much more conspicuous if someone is trying to climb over security fencing/gates and burglars can be caught in their tracks. The privacy they give also decreases any chance of window shopping by opportunistic criminals.
  7. Make your home look occupied when it’s empty – Put mail on hold so it doesn’t build up or ask a neighbour to check for parcels. Use lights on a timer so you can make your home look occupied in the evenings. Get a friend, neighbour or family member to open and close curtains/blinds or to park in your driveway. Making your property look lived in can deter those on the hunt for an empty, easy break-in.
  8. Get to know your neighbours – The people you share your community with are an excellent resource when it comes to protecting your home. Let them know when you aren’t at home, or if you’re expecting a delivery. Give them information that allows them to recognise when things aren’t normal and can report suspicious behaviour quickly. You will then be able to do the same for them and foster a community feeling.

Crime Stoppers Bermuda is here to support your community

One of the best ways to keep your property and community safe is by reporting crime as and when you see it. As a registered charity working alongside law enforcement, Crime Stoppers Bermuda provides an anonymous way to do exactly that.

If you would like support or want to provide any information in a confidential way, take a look at our website or contact us anonymously on 800 8477.



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We are a registered Bermuda charity (No. 410) helping law enforcement to locate criminals and help solve crimes. We have an anonymous 24-hour Hotline phone number, 800-8477 (TIPS), that people can call to pass on information about crime; alternatively people can send us information anonymously via our Anonymous Online Form. You don’t have to give your name or any of your personal details. We do not trace calls or track IP addresses.

Crime Stoppers Bermuda, P.O. Box HM 2711, Hamilton HM LX.

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