Understanding the Importance of Your Anonymous Tip
We’ve all been there when it comes to anonymous tips. You know something about a criminal or even see a crime taking place. But you’re not sure whether it’s the right call. Will you be truly anonymous? Will the tip even help?
In short, the answer to both those questions is ‘yes’. Read on as we discuss why you should always go ahead with your anonymous tip.
The importance of your anonymous tip
The first question is whether tips matter. In other words, will what you’ve heard, seen or simply come to know, actually help the police investigate a crime or criminal? As Bermuda’s go-to charity for anonymous tips, we can tell you first-hand about the impact your information has.
To date, we’ve received over 4,000 tips from members of the public, just like you. In that time, the information we’ve passed on to the police has led to well over 300 arrests. That’s almost one arrest for every 12 tips.
Still not impressed? Consider how long it takes to provide an anonymous tip. A matter of minutes by phone or online. Now contrast that with the distress a criminal could cause if they’re not caught. Allianz Insurance found that it takes an average of 8 months for people to feel safe in their homes after a burglary, for example.
Your tip, however small, could contribute to an arrest that prevents people from feeling unsafe for such a long period of time.
What kind of crimes can tips help with?
There are lots of different kinds of tips, and a variety of crimes they can relate to. Here are some examples to give you a better idea:
- Seeing something – You might have seen a missing person or know the whereabouts of a wanted criminal.
- Witnessing something – Alternatively, you may see a crime take place, such as illegal waste dumping, driving offences, anti-social behaviour or something more serious.
- Hearing something – Someone might have told you something they know, which you know they won’t report (because they are a friend or relative of the person in question, for example).
- Finding something – Whether it’s money, illicit drugs or just a suspicious package, it could be useful to an investigation.
- Experiencing something – Or maybe you’ve experienced criminal behaviour yourself, such as being approached, harassed or even attacked.
How to provide an anonymous tip
When you’re ready to provide an anonymous tip, Crime Stoppers Bermuda can help. Our service has been designed specifically for complete anonymity to protect your identity.
Whether it’s by phone or online, information is handled by an overseas team in Florida, USA. They will create a report with all the information you provide and ensure it doesn’t contain anything that could be used to identify you.
Once approved, the report is sent back to us securely, so we can inform the authorities if appropriate. To get started, call us on 800 8477 or fill out our Anonymous Online Form.